Five Questions about
FIFA and the LGBT Rainbow



What do soccer's Laws of the Game say about special images and statements on player equipment?
“Equipment must not have any
political, religious or personal slogans, statements or images.”
Laws of the Game, Law 04.5
Some players disagree with the political agenda of the LGBT rainbow symbol. Are teams allowed to coerce players to wear it?
“Persons bound by this Code shall protect, respect and safeguard the
integrity and personal dignity of others….
Threats, the promise of advantages and coercion are particularly prohibited.”
FIFA Statutes, Article 23,1/5
Are teams allowed to discriminate based on the religion or opinions of players or staff?
“Discrimination of any kind against a country, private person or group of people on account of race, skin colour, ethnic, national or social origin, gender, disability, language, religion, political opinion or any other opinion, wealth, birth or any other status, sexual orientation or any other reason is strictly prohibited and punishable by suspension or expulsion.”
FIFA Statutes, Article 4
How many different colours may a team place on the kit? Rainbows have six colors.
“...no Playing Equipment item worn by an outfield player or goalkeeper may consist of more than four Colours.”
FIFA Equipment Regulations 5.2
Soccer has a problem with fans and others making degrading comments about others' sexuality, so isn't putting the rainbow on the kit and field equipment just a way to address this problem?
FIFA has ways to counter this problem without requiring players to wear and play on the field with this controversial symbol.
“It is good that FIFA has and exercises mechanisms to counter the problem of degrading treatment, such as chants, against those who identify as homosexual...Through exercise of such mechanisms, FIFA can continue its efforts to end discrimination based on sexual identity without fostering new forms of discrimination such as discrimination against people with particular political viewpoints or religious beliefs...in requiring all players to wear the political LGBT rainbow on the kit. ”